Improving Checkout Process? Don’t Forget To Avoid These 10 Things

Posted on: 28 November 2014
Improving Checkout Process? Don’t Forget To Avoid These 10 Things

For many online companies, marketing is limited to gaining more traffic to the website. They spend huge amount of money to expose the brand to the possible visitors but that’s only a part of the job. It certainly is great to have a great visitor inflow into a website but then what? Marketers should also make sure that the visitors are encouraged to become a customer. This conversion process is dependent on several factors right from the look and appeal of the website to a comfortable checkout process. In this article we discuss the various mistakes that marketers overlook about the checkout process.



No persistent cookie


Nothing feels worse than you older brother stealing your candy. There are so many online stores which seem to dump products into customer’s shopping cart when they aren’t looking. According to a research by Forrester, 33% of men and more than 38% of women have reported of ”unready” shopping carts. Many customers also use the cart options to save a wish list of probable purchases. Top online retail companies like Amazon allow you to keep this wish list “forever” and it depends on the customer when he would finally order for them to be delivered. It would be encouraging if the shopping cart can provide the customer with regular updates, as in when items in the shopping cart are “no more in stock” or when they can be attached to a new offer.



Guest checkout


The problems related to registration deter many visitors to order products from a site. As such guest checkout option is a must if you want to convert maximum number of visitors into customers. As of today, 24% of all online retailers require a thorough registration for a transaction and consequently these are also the websites that are the least used.


If you have been thinking that signing in would ensure that you get a return buy, it is a wrong concept. Some consumers even tent to forget passwords and user name and retrieving them is another long procedure.




Surprise charges


Every customer demands to know what he/she is paying in the end. Inadequate information can be frustration and even bring bad credits to a retailer. In most cases, it will lead to abandonment of the cart and contradicts the core idea of conversion.




Poorly designed forms


Today, many customers go for mobile shopping. However, a smaller screen might get too clustered if you aren’t customizing the buying form as per the host device. Autocorrect too isn’t helpful as it can lead to incorrect entries. Ensure that your mobile checkout form doesn’t have inline field labels or an overuse of drop down menu.



Lost credit card details


It is mandatory for retailers to erase all credit card data after a form is refreshed or an error occurs the first time. While the buyers feel reentering the information to be an extra hassle, you can go for a turnaround with a separate credit card entry page. It is just adding a simple step and eliminates page reloading or reentering long information.



Slow performance


In the mobile generation, customers always demand a fast transaction. If a buyer feels that the payment process is taking too long, he/she will expect some risk in the process. Moreover, there is also the problem of lost connectivity and battery depletion which puts the buyer into problem.



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