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25 November 2015
Tips to keep your ecommerce site safe and secure
Technology has many aspects. It can be a boon or even a pest; it can be a blessing or even a curse. If it is used in the right manner then nothing can be more useful than it and if misused then it may result in disasters. One needs to be very alert and cautious while using their private information online. These day hackers have become smarter. They don’t just prey someone separately but rather they try to wreck an entire mass related to a particular webpage or website. These day ecommerce companies who are essentially online based are becoming victims of these con hackers. These hackers have the capability of changing an entire system in just a flick of seconds. Hackers also steal credit card and other susceptible information from the ecommerce website which adversely affects the customers to an enormous extent. This issue has to be sorted; there should be some remedies to avoid this kind of tribulations.
Let us see what can be done to prevent an ecommerce site from these kinds of security issues.

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